Current teaching:
Math 100: Calculus with applications to physical sciences and engineering
I have previously taught the following classes at the University of British Columbia.
Math 608D: Probability in high dimensions (Spring ’17-18)
Math 303: Introduction to stochastic processes (Spring ’17-18)
Math 184: Differential calculus for social science and commerce (Fall ’17-18)
Math 223: Linear algebra (honours) (Spring ’16-17)
Math 555: Compressive sensing (Fall ’16-17)
Math 608D: Probability in high dimensions (Fall ’15-16)
Math 307: Applied linear algebra (Fall ’14-15, Spring ’15-16)
I have previously taught the following classes at the University of Michigan.
Math/Stats 425: Introduction to probability (Class website on CTools, syllabus here)
Math 310: Explorations in probability (W’12) [This was an inquiry-based-learning course]
Math 115: Calculus 1 (F’11)
I have previously TAed the following classes at CalTech.
ACM 95 abc: Introductory Methods of Applied Mathematics (F’05, W’06, S’06, F’07, W’08, S’08)
ACM/EE 116: Applied Probability and Applications (Fall 2006, Winter 2009)
ACM 216: Markov Chains, Discrete Stochastic Processes and Applications (Winter 2007, Spring 2009)
ACM 217: Stochastic Calculus and Stochastic Control (Spring 2007)
ACM 118: Methods in Applied Statistics and Data Analysis (Fall 2008)
I have also TAed the following class at Stanford.
Stats 330: An Introduction to Compressive Sensing (Spring 2010)
Current teaching:
Math 100: Calculus with applications to physical sciences and engineering
I have previously taught the following classes at the University of British Columbia.
Math 608D: Probability in high dimensions (Spring ’17-18)
Math 303: Introduction to stochastic processes (Spring ’17-18)
Math 184: Differential calculus for social science and commerce (Fall ’17-18)
Math 223: Linear algebra (honours) (Spring ’16-17)
Math 555: Compressive sensing (Fall ’16-17)
Math 608D: Probability in high dimensions (Fall ’15-16)
Math 307: Applied linear algebra (Fall ’14-15, Spring ’15-16)
I have previously taught the following classes at the University of Michigan.
Math/Stats 425: Introduction to probability (Class website on CTools, syllabus here)
Math 310: Explorations in probability (W’12) [This was an inquiry-based-learning course]
Math 115: Calculus 1 (F’11)
I have previously TAed the following classes at CalTech.
ACM 95 abc: Introductory Methods of Applied Mathematics (F’05, W’06, S’06, F’07, W’08, S’08)
ACM/EE 116: Applied Probability and Applications (Fall 2006, Winter 2009)
ACM 216: Markov Chains, Discrete Stochastic Processes and Applications (Winter 2007, Spring 2009)
ACM 217: Stochastic Calculus and Stochastic Control (Spring 2007)
ACM 118: Methods in Applied Statistics and Data Analysis (Fall 2008)
I have also TAed the following class at Stanford.
Stats 330: An Introduction to Compressive Sensing (Spring 2010)